About the Courter Trade Scholarship

The Courter Trade Scholarship has recently been funded by a donation from Mrs. Rhonda Carter to the Miller-Stockum American Legion
Post #485 in Cleves, Ohio, served by Tim Vollrath, Post Commander. This scholarship has been set up to honor Mrs. Carter’s husband, the late Charles William Carter, Jr., a veteran of the United States Air Force and retiree of what is now Duke Energy where his career as a lineman spanned thirty years.

This scholarship is to be used exclusively for individuals who are residents of the Three Rivers Local School District, serving the villages of Addyston, North Bend and Cleves, Ohio and the remainder of Miami Township in Hamilton County, Ohio. The scholarships will be awarded to those applicants who wish to go to accredited trade schools and become part of the skilled trade occupations. Candidates of the same age group already in a profession who require certifications to advance their careers are also encouraged to apply for financial support.

Applicants must be high school graduates between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five and live within the confines of the Three Rivers Local School District. Application for and acceptance to a selected program is encouraged. Awards will be determined by a selection committee through the Miller-Stockum American Legion post.